In this section, we will cover the required methods to perform a hotel booking successfully. This method will return a Token, that needs to be stored in orther to perform the next method on the workflow (getCancellationPolicies);
The methods are described below and should respect this following order;
Main method, performs the search of hotels in the different qualified suppliers and applies the rules configured in our software.
The request allows the following settings:
Sorting the result (SortDirection). Possible values: ASC / DESC
Field for ordering (OrderByField). Possible values: Price / Name
Initial record (From) and quantity per page (Range)
Number of images returned by hotel (NumberOfPics)
Only the cheapest rooms (CheapestRoomOnly)
Description language (DescriptionLanguageISO). Used in conjunction with the ReturnHotelInfo tag defines the language to be sent. Possible values are: pt-BR, en-US, es-ES, ALL e NONE. Worth to the description of the hotel and the pictures of the hotel.
Only recommended hotels (OnlyRecommended). These hotels are defined in the Cangooroo interface
By hotel name, or part of name (HotelName).
By Hotel Category (HotelCategory). Values are those returned in the search, one can try something like number of stars, but the full list of possibilities is returned along with the search (ReturnFilterInformation).
Per total amount of stay (MinPrice and MaxPrice)
By location (Locations). Values are those returned in the search, one can try something like number of stars, but the full list of possibilities is returned along with the search (ReturnFilterInformation).
Receive the information for ResultFilterInformation.
ReturnHotelInfo: Boolean indicating whether or not the hotel data will return.
To search for a hotel, use the value 'Hotel' in the AccomodationSearchType tag. If you want to search for houses use 'Home'.
The response returns the token that is the communication session. This information is very important and will be used in the sequence of the flow to consolidate the booking.