In order to achieve a successful integration of Ezlink API Web Service, the client should be aware of the errors that might occur during method calls.
All the errors are self-descriptive, besides some System Errors which are not explicitly described. If you are unable to resolve the error and repeatedly getting the same error, please feel free to contact us at [].
Here we are providing a list of some common errors.
# | Error | Description |
1 | Error_WS | An error has occurred. |
1001 | Login_Fail | Invalid user or password. |
1002 | Login_InvalidUser | Please inform the user. |
1003 | Login_InvalidPassword | Please inform the password. |
1004 | Login_InvalidTypeClient | This service is for client users only. Please use another user/password. |
1005 | Login_InvalidOperator | Your operator is not allowed to use this method. |
1006 | Login_InvalidTypeOperator | This service is for operator users only. Please use another user/password. |
1007 | Login_InvalidClientId | The clientId informed in the credential is not valid. Please use a valid ClientId. |
2001 | Ticket_InvalidMessage | Please inform a message for the ticket. |
2002 | Ticket_InvalidTitle | Please inform a title. |
2003 | Ticket_InvalidService | This service does not exist. Please inform a valid reservation number, service number and service type. |
2004 | Ticket_InvaliseServiceNumber | Please inform a valid service number. |
2005 | Ticket_InvalidReservationNumber | Please inform a valid reservation number. |
2006 | Ticket_InvalidTicketNumber | Please inform a valid ticket number. |
3001 | Criteria_InvalidCity | City ID was not informed. |
3002 | Criteria_InvalidDate | A valid checkIn date was not informed. Is must be greater than today. |
3003 | Criteria_InvalidNumberOfNights | Number of nights not informed. Please inform a value greater than zero. |
3004 | Criteria_InvalidPaxsAgeRange | The list with the age of passengers is missing. |
4001 | Hotel_InvalidPassangersQuantity | The passengers relation/quantity of rooms was not informed. |
4002 | Hotel_SearchResult | There where a problem to get search result. |
4003 | Hotel_ResultPaginationNull | To use this method tou must inform the ResultPagination. |
4004 | Hotel_CancellationPolicyNotExecuted | The room cannot be booked without executing the cancellation policies first. |
4005 | Hotel_RoomsNotInformed | The rooms to be booked were not informed. |
4006 | Hotel_NoCancellationPolicy | The room has no cancelation policy so is not available for booking. You can only book rooms that has cancelation policy and is bookable. |
4007 | Hotel_RoomsNoLongerAvailable | The room is no longer available for booking. |
4008 | Hotel_ProblemWhileBooking | An error has occurred. |
4009 | Hotel_RoomIdNotInformed | The room id was not informed. |
4010 | Hotel_HotelIdNotInformed | The hotel id was not informed. |
4011 | Hotel_RoomIdInvalid | The room was not found in the search persist with the informed Token and HotelId. Please inform a valid roomid for the given Token and HotelId. |
4012 | Hotel_HotelIdInvalid | The informed HotelId is invalid. Please use a valid HotelId to retrieve the list of amenities. |
4013 | Hotel_CancelationPolicyError | Problem to get the cancellation policies |
4014 | Hotel_InvalidInvoiceItem | When has “NC” in invoice item, you cannot add another invoice item. |
4015 | Hotel_OneOrMoreRoomsDontHasCancellationPolicy | One or more rooms, they did not call the cancellation policy. The reservation will not be done. |
5001 | StaticData_InvalidCountry | The country is invalid. |
6001 | Error_ValidationProvider | Problem while checking active providers for the client. |
6002 | Error_NoActiveProvider | The current client does not have any providers active. |
6003 | Error_TokenTimeout | The token is invalid or no longer available (Timeout). |
6004 | Error_TokenUnavailable | Token is unavailable. If you just used the initAsyncSearchAvailability method or the parcial response feature, try again in a few seconds. |
6005 | Error_InvalidNumberOfPassengers | Incorect numbers of passengers. |
6006 | Error_InvalidCreditLimitRestriction | This cliente is configured for billed payment and has a restriction on a credit limit to proceed the booking. |
6007 | Error_CancellationPolicyRestriction | This cliente is configured for advanced payment. This service has cancellation policy restriction so can not be booked. |
6008 | Error_SendingEmail | Error while sending an e-mail. The e-mail was not sent. |
6009 | OperationFail | An error has occurred. |
6010 | Error_CancelIsBlocked | The cancel operation is blocked for this service through web service. |
6011 | Error_CancelationCannotBeExecuted | The cancellation for this service cannot be executed. The booking was rejected or had technical problems during the booking process. |
6012 | Error_InvalidService | The informed service ID does not exist. |
6013 | Error_ServiceIDNotInformed | The ID of the service was not informed |
6014 | Error_ServiceCannotBeCancelledAlone | This service cannot be cancelled alone. The full reservation must be cancelled. Please cancell using “cancelFullBooking” method, or by the Cangooroo UI.! |
7001 | RentACar_CityInvalid | Location code is invalid. |
7002 | RentACar_InvalidDate | A valid pickup date was not informed. Is must be greater than today. |
8001 | Commons_CountryInvalid | The country does not have any city in our database or CountryId might be invalid. Please try again using ISO Alpha-2 Code ( |
60015 | Error_UserInvalidForToken | A user cannot use a valid, existing token that is already linked to another user of the system. |