Ezlink API provides multiple functionalities. Users send SOAP requests in specified format and Ezlink API will give appropriate response according to those requests.
- searchAvailability
- getCancellationPolicies
- doBooking
- cancelBooking
- cancelFullBooking
- hotelDetails (new method through cache rest/json api)
- getBookingList
- getbookingdetail
The above web service methods can be grouped into separated workflows.
Static data database to perform local searches when needed. The use of this database improves the performance of the web service by effectively reducing its latency.
For some destinations, Ezlink API can return a large set of results. By using compression on the client and the server, the size of large SOAP messages can be reduced by up to 80%.
This means that a 100K SOAP message can be compressed to 20K. A call that may have spent 10 seconds on the network will spend nearer 4 seconds on the network.
In order to enable compression, make sure you apply the following: